My Favorite Way to Help Kids Cope with Change

My Favorite Way to Help Kids Cope with Change.jpg

When I took topic suggestions on Instagram a few weeks ago I got a lot of inquiries about helping kids through big transitions like welcoming a new sibling, moving homes, transitioning from crib to bed, going back to school, etc. Big stuff! One of the most helpful things you can do for your child in these situations is make a homemade book. Books are an awesome way to process experiences and emotions. While there are many you can purchase, there’s something extra special about a homemade book. Kids love to help make them and they love to see themselves on the pages! You can make books for more everyday transitions too, like your morning or bedtime routine. 

Establishing a new routine or adjusting to a new set of circumstances is hard for anyone, but especially hard for a child because they lack the cognitive ability to think through the process outside of the situation. They live in the “here and now,” so when things change, they feel out of sorts and can’t figure out why — hello tantrums, separation anxiety, meltdowns, defiance…They need our help to coach them through it. A book is a great way for your child to process the change independently. They can grab the book whenever they want or you can direct them to take a look when you think they need to review things. 

I find these great blank books in the Target dollar section and send pictures to Walgreens whenever they have a coupon. I also have an Instax (think Polaroid) camera that is great to use for this kind of thing. 

I’ll talk more about the books we’ve made and other tips in Instagram stories!

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Amanda Armbruster